A/C air condition
A/D analog to digital
AB air blast
ABCB air blast circuit breaker
ABNOR abnormal
ABS absolute
ABT about
ABV above
AC alternating current
ACB air circuit breaker
ACC accessory
ACCEL accelerate
ACCUML accumulator
ACK acknowledge
ACP auxiliary control panel
ACRS across
ACTED actuated
ACTL actual
ACTR actuator
ACTV active
ACW auxiliary cooling water
ADD addition
ADEQ adequate
ADJST adjust
ADMIN administration
ADV advance
AFT after
AGGRGT aggregate
AGITT agitator
AH air heater
AHP ash handling plant
AHU air handling unit
ALM alarm
ALT altitude
ALTR alternator
AM ammeter
AMDN amplidyne
AMN or NH3 ammonia
AMP or A ampere
AMPL amplifier
ANALYZ analyzer
ANI anion
ANLG analog
ANN annunciator
ANSI American National Standard Institute
AOP auxiliary oil pump
AOV air operated valve
APH air preheater
API American Petroleum Institute
APPROX approximate
APPRT apparatus
APS automatic plant start-up/shut-down sequence
ARMAT armature
ARRGMT arrangement
ARU automatic run-up and loading
AS air supply
ASC auto self clean
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
ASL above sea level
ASLDRP after slidering packing
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASSTD assisted
ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials
ASW ash sluice water
ASYN asynchronous
ATM atmosphere
ATOM atomizing
ATTEMP attemperator
ATTN attention
AUTO automatic
AUX auxiliary
AV air valve
AVAIL available
AVG average
AVR automatic voltage regulation
AX axial
B/GEAR barring gear
B/WRD backward
BA bottom ash
BAL balance
BAR/C bar chart
BAROM barometer
BATT battery
BC bus coupler
BCD binary coded decimal
BCK back
BCP boiler circulating water pump
BCT bushing current transformer
BEF before
BEHIN behind
BELO below
BETWN between
BFBP boiler feed booster pump
BFO blended fuel oil
BFP boiler feed pump
BFPM boiler feed pump - motor driven
BFPT boiler feed pump - turbine driven
BFW boiler feed water
BIN binary
BK bank
BKR breaker
BKSTR black start
BL blade
BLDG building
BLK block
BLNCG balancing
BLR boiler
BLS disturbance flashing light
BLSTR blaster
BLWDN blow down
BLWG blowing
BLWOFF blow off
BLWR blower
BM boiler master
BMCR boiler maximum continuous rating
BMS burner management system
BNR burner
BOP balance of plant
BP boiler protection
BRD board
BRG bearing
BRN brine
BS British Standard
BSN basin
BSTR booster
BTFLY butterfly
BTG boiler & turbine generator
BTLD boiler tube leak detection
BTM bottom
BTU British Thermal Unit
BU back-up
BUILPG boiler purge complete
BUTN button
BWH bushing water hose
BYP bypass
C carbon
C/M cycle per minute
C/S cycle per second
C/VLV control valve
C/WTR cooling water
C20B common 20 bar
CA cooling air
CAB cabinet
CAL calibrate
CALBN calibration
CALC calculate
CAM camera
CAP capacity
CAS compressed air system
CAT cation
CATLG catalogue
CAUX common auxiliary
CAV calculated value
CB circuit-breaker
CBD continuous blow down
CBP condensate booster pump
CC cation conductivity
CCB central control building
CCCW closed circuit cooling water
CCLWS counter clockwise
CCR central control room
CCT cold condensate tank
CCTV closed circuit television
CCW closed cooling water
CDS chemical dosing system
CDTK clean drain tank
CEMS continuous emission monitoring system
COP condensate pump
CFAS chemical fuel additive system
CFD computational fluid dynamics
CH channel
CHEM chemical
CHG change
CHGR charger
CHILL chiller
CHK check
CHLD chilled
CHMBR chamber
CHMNY chimney
CHP coal handling plant
CHRG charge
CHST chest
CID continuous induced draft
CIDF continuous induced draft fan
CIRC circuit
CL coil
CL2 chlorine
CLASSFR classifier
CLD cold
CLFD clarified
CLG cooling
CLMN column
CLN clean
CLNG cleaning
CLOSG closing
CLR cooler
CLS close
CLSD closed
CLWS clockwise
CMBD combined
CMD command
CNVR conveyor
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
COAX coaxial
COEFF coefficient
COLLN collection
COLLTR collector
COM common
COMB combination
COMBTL combustibles
COMBUST combustion
COMMUNIC communication
COMP compensate
COMPLT complete
COMPR compare
COMPRSR compressor
COMPTM compatment
COMPTR computer
CONCTR concentrated
CONCTRN concentration
COND condensate
CONDITNR conditioner
CONDN condition
CONDR condenser
CONDVTY conductivity
CONFRM confirmation
CONN connection
CONST constant
CONTC contact
CONTMIN contaminated
CONTNS continuous
CONVTN convection
CONVTR converter
COOLD cooled
COOLT coolant
COORD coordination
CORR correction
CORRSP correspond
COUNT counter
CPH condensate preheater
CPLG coupling
CPP condensate polishing plant
CPRO coal pile run-off
CPU central processing unit
CRC circulating
CRH cold reheat
CRIT criterion
CROSSVR crossover
CRT cathode-ray tube
CRV combined reheat valve
CSG casing
CST centistokes
CT current transformer
CTCS condensate tube cleaning system
CTR Center
CTRL control
CTRLR controller
CUB cubicle
CULV culvert
CUR current
CVR cover
CVTY cavity
CW circulating water
CWF circulating water flow
CWP circulating water pump
CWS circulating water system
CYC cycle
CYCLN cyclone
CYL cylinder
dB decibel
DBL double
DBR debris
DC direct current
DCS distributed control system
DCT duct
DE drive end
DEAER deaerator
DECI decimals
DECR decrease
DEH digital electro hydraulic
DEHC digital electro hydraulic control
DEHG digital electro hydraulic governor
DEMIN demineralizer
DENS density
DESPHTR desuperheater
DETCT detect
DETCTD detected
DETCTR detector
DEV deviation
DEVC device
DF debris filter
DFO distillated fuel oil
DG diesel generator
DGSFD degassified
DH district heat
DHA discharge heater area
DHS discharge heater shelter
DIAG diagram
DIFF differential
DIFF PRESS or DP differential pressure
DIG digital
DILN dilution
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
DISCH discharge
DISCON disconnect
DISCREPCY discrepancy
DISENG disengage
DISLVR dissolver
DISPLMT displacement
DIST distribution
DISTL distillate
DIV division
DIVT diverted
DLY delay
DM demineralization
DMD Demand
DMPR damper
DMSTR demister
DO diesel oil
DO digital output
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DOS dosing
DPDT double pole double throw
DPST double pole single throw
DRN drain
DRPL drip Leg
DRV drive
DS diconnect switch
DSTLD distilled
DSTRB disturbance
DUPLX duplex
DW drywell
DWG drawing
DWN down
DWNSTRM downstream
DWTP demineralized water treatment plant
DWW dirty waste water
DWWTS dirty waste water treatment system
DYNMC dynamic
E/P electrical to pneumatic
EBOP emergency bearing on pump
ECB electrical control board
ECC eccentricity
ECHL electro chlorination
ECMS electrical control and monitoring system
ECON economizer
ECOP emergency cooling oil pump
ECP electro chlorination plant
ECW emergency cooling water
EDG emergency diesel generator
EFF effective
EFLU effluent
EFP electromotor driven feed pump
EFT effect
EHC electro-hydraulic control
EHT electric heat tracing
EHV extra high voltage
EJCTR ejector
ELEC electric
ELEP expansion line end point
ELEV elevation
ELHYD electro-hydraulic
EMER emergency
EMO emission monitoring outfall
ENBL enable
ENERG energized
ENGAG engage
ENGH enough
EOP emergency oil pump
EPB emergency push button
EPC engineering, procurement and construction
EQL equal
EQUIP equipment
EQUIV equivalent
ERTH earthing
ES earthing switch
ESD emergency shut down
ESP electrostatic precipitator
ESPB emergency stop push button
ESS essential service system
ES-SERV essential services
EST estimate
ETC and so on
EVAC evacuation
EVACT evacuator
EVAP evaporator
EWS engineering workstation
EXC excessive
EXCH exchange
EXCITAT excitation
EXCL exclusive
EXCS excess
EXCTR exciter
EXE execute
EXH exhaust
EXHD exhaust hood
EXHSTR exhauster
EXIST existing
EXP expansion
EXTN external
EXTRM extreme
EXTRN extraction
EXTRR extractor
EYE/W eye washer
F/F fire fighting
FA fly ash
FAC final acceptance certificate
FAIL failure
FAS fly ash silo
FAT factory acceptance test
FB feedback
FC fail close
FCN function
FCV flow control valve
FD feed
FDB forced-draught blower
FDF forced-draught fan
FDR feeder
FF feedforward
FFC fin fan cooler
FFORWDG fuel forwarding
FG flue gas
FGD flue gas desulphurization
FGDSSP flue gas desulphurization sea water supplementary pump
FGDWS FGD waste stabilization
FGTG fighting
FIG figure
FINSHG finishing
FLASHTK flash tank
FLD field
FLEXBL flexible
FLG filling
FLM flame
FLMDET flame detector
FLNG flange
FLOW or F flow
FLSH flash
FLT fault
FLTR filter
FLUSHN flushing
FNL final
FO fail open
FO fuel oil
FOPH Fuel Oil Pump House
FORM formation
FP fire protection
FR for
FRAC fractional
FREQ frequency
FRM from
FRNT front
FRP forwarding pump
FS flow switch
FSBL fusible
FSS flame scanning system
FTP faulty position
FURN furnace
FUTR future
FW feed water
FWBP feed water booster pump
FWC feed water control
FWCS feed water control system
FWD forward
FWF feed water flow
FWH feed water heater
FWP feed water pump
G gauge
GAH gas airpreheater
GB gear box
GBRG guide bearing
GC group control
GCB generator circuit breaker
GCP generator control panel
GD guide
GEN generator
GFD gas flow diverter
GIS gas insulated switchgear
GLD gland
GLTN guillotine
GLYC glycol
GMP generator metering panel
GNE generator end
GNRL general
GOE governor end
GOV governor
GR gas recirculation
GRAD gradient
GRAPH graphic
GRD ground
GRDE grade
GRF gas recirculation fan
GRP group
GS position switch
GSC gland steam condenser
GSCE gland steam condenser exhauster
GT gas turbine
GTG gas turbine generator
GV gate valve
H enthalpy
H/R heat rate
H2 hydrogen
H2P hydrogen generation plant
HAZOP hazard and operability
HC hydraulic coupling
HCL hydrochloric acid
HCP horizontal convection pass
HD hood
HDLG handling
HDR header
HE heat exchanger
HEA high energy arc
HFO heavy fuel oil
HGT height
HHV high heating value
HI high
HIHI high high
HIR higher
HL heat loss
HLDG holding
HLTHY healthy
HMI human machine interface
HORIZ horizontal
HOTWL hotwell
HP high pressure
HP horse power
HPB hp bypass
HPR hopper
HPSV high pressure stop valve
HPT high pressure turbine
HPU hydraulic pressure unit
HR hour
HRH hot reheat
HRSG heat recovery steam generator
HS hand switch
HSD high speed diesel
HSE human safety environment
HSG housing
HTG heating
HTR heater
HV high voltage
HVAC heating, ventilating and air conditioning
HVY heavy
HYD hydraulic
HYDLZ hydrolyzer
HYDPNM hydropneumatic
HYDZ hydrazine
HYPO hypochIorite
Hz hertz
I&C instrumentation & control
I/O input/output
IBD intermediate blow down
ID induced draft
IDENT identical
IDF induced draft fan
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IGNIT ignition
IGNTR ignitor
IGV inlet guide vane
IMP impulse
IMPD impedance
IMPR improper
IMS information management system
INACT inactive
INBD inboard
INCHG inching
INCL include
INCMG incoming
INCMR incomer
INCOMP incomplete
INCOR incorrect
INCR increase
IND indicate
INDCR indicator
INDEPDNT independent
INDN induction
INFO information
INITL initial
INITT initiate
INITTD initiated
INJTN injection
INL inlet
INR inner
INRTG inerting
INSD inside
INSPT inspect
INSRT insert
INSRTD inserted
INST instrument
INSTY intensity
INSULT insulate
INSULTN insulation
INTCHG interchangeable
INTCP intercept
INTERCOM intercommunication
INTERCON interconnection
INTERPG interposing
INTGL integral
INTK intake
INTLCK interlock
INTM intermediate
INTMT intermittent
INTR interior
INTRF interface
INTRGN interrogation
INTRL internal
INTVAL interval
INVS inverse
INVT inverter
IP intermediate pressure
IRREG irregular
ISLND island
ISO International Standard Organization
ISOL isolating
ISS intake screening system
JB junction box
JCKG jacking
JCTN junction
JIS Japanese Industrial Standards
JNL journal
JNT joint
JOP jacking oil pump
KBX key box
KG kilogram
KG/S kilogram per second
KKS kraftwerk kennzeichen system
KO knock out
KOD knock out drum
KV kilovolts
KVA kilovolt amperes
KVAR kilovolt ampere reactive
KW kilowatt
KWH kilowatt hour
L/BRG lower bearing
LAN local area network
Lb pound
Lb/hr pound per hour
LCD liquid crystal display
LCP local control panel
LCV level control valve
LDC load despatch center
LDS load dispatch system
LEB local electrical building
LED light-emtting diode
LER local electronic room
LF left
LG level gauge
LGT light
LGTR lighter
LHV low heating value
LI level indicator
LIQ liquid
LK leak
LMSW limit switch
LMT limit
LMTG limiting
LN line
LO low
LO lube oil
LOC local
LOCR lube oil cooler
LOEXCITAT loss of excitation
LOFLM loss of flame
LOG logic
LOLO low low
LOR lock out relay
LP low pressure
LPB LP bypass
LPSV low pressure stop valve
LPSW low pressure service water
LS level switch
LSB least significant bit
LTG lighting
LTR letter
LUB lubricate
LV low voltage
LVL or L level
LVNG leaving
LWR lower
M meter
M/A manual/automatic
M3/H cubic meter per hour
mA milliampere
MACB magnetic-blast air circuit-breaker
MAINT maintenance
MALFN malfunction
MAN manual
MANF manifold
MARGNL marginal
MAX maximum
MBE mixed bed exchanger
MCB mini circuit breaker
MCC motor control center
MCOP main condensate pump
MCPROCES microprocessor
MCR main control room
MCR maximum continuous rating
MDSP midspan
MEAS measuring
MECH mechanical
MED medium
MEMB membrane
MEZZ mezzanine
MFR manufacturer
MFT master fuel trip
MG/H milligramme per hour
MGMT management
MIBRG motor inboard bearing
MIN minimum
MIN minute
MISC miscellaneous
MIX mixture
mm millimeter
mmWC millimeter of water column
MN main
MOBRG motor outboard bearing
MOCB minimum-oil circuit-breaker
MOD motor operated damper
MODF modify
MODL module
MOIS CONT moisture content
MON monitor
MONTRG monitoring
MOP main oil pump
MOR morpholine
MOV motor operated valve
MP medium pressure
MPRT measuring part
MPT main power transformer
MS main steam
MSB most significant bit
MSF main steam flow
MSF multi stage flash evaporator
MSLN main steam line
MSP main steam pressure
MSSG missing
MSTR master
MSV main stop valve
MTL metal
MTLO main turbine lube oil
MTR motor
MU make up
MULTPL multiple
MUX multiplexer
MV medium voltage
mV millivolt
MVAR megavar
MVR manual voltage regulation
MW megawatt
MWH megawatt hour
N2 nitrogen
NATL natural
NC normally closed
NDE non destructive test
NDE non drive end
NEC National Electrical Code
NEG negative
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NETWK network
NEUTGND neutral ground
NEUTL neutral
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NGR neutral grounding resistor
NO normally open
NO number
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOM nominal
NOR normal
NOx nitrogen oxide
NOZ nozzle
NPSH net positive suction head
NRV non-return valve
NUTLZN neutralization
NWL normal water level
O&M operation & maintenance
O2 oxygen
OBRG outboard bearing
OBRL outboard barrel
OC overcurrent
OCB oil circuit breaker
OK okay
ONAF oil natural air forced
ONAN oil natural air natural
ONGR on the gride
OPC OLE for process control
OPERN operation
OPN open
OPND opened
OPNG opening
OPP opposite
OPRTD operated
OPRTG operating
OPRTR operator
OPTNL optional
ORD order
ORF orifice
ORIG original
OSHA occupational safety and health administration
OUTBD outboard
OUTGG outgoing
OUTL outlet
OUTR outer
OUTS outside
OVEXCTN overexcitation
OVFLG overfueling
OVHD overhead
OVLD overload
OVRFIR overfire
OVRFLW overflow
OVSPD overspeed
OVTEMP overtemperature
OVVOLT overvoltage
OWS operator work station
OWW oily waste water
OWWTS oily waste water treament system
P&ID piping & instrumentation diagram
Pa pascal
PA primary air
PABX private automatic branch exchange
PAC provisional acceptance certificate
PAF primary air fan
PARAGH paragraph
PARAM parameter
PARLL parallel
PARTL partial
PB push button
PC personal computer
PCKG packing
PCP precipitator
PCS plant control system
PCV pressure control valve
PDAS plant data acquisition system
PDF portable document format
PDH pump discharge heater
PDP power distribution panel
PEGG pegging
PERFORM performance
PERM permissive
PERMNT permanent
PF power factor
PH phase
PH+ ion concentration
PHA pump house area
PHE plate heat exchanger
PHTG preheating
PHTR preheater
PIC picture
PIMS plant information & management system
PLC programmable logic controller
PLGN plugin
PLNT plant
PLSHD polished
PLSHG polishing
PLSHR polisher
PLT pilot
PLTE plate
PLTFLM pilot flame on
PLTN platen
PME presidency of meteorology and environment
PMG priming
PMS plant management system
PNDT pendant
PNL panel
PNT point
POS position
POSBL possible
POTBL potable
POTNL potential
POTNLM potentiometer
PP pump
P-P peak to peak
PPB parts per billion
PPM parts per million
PRCS process
PRDS pressure reducing station
PRDS pressure reduction desuperheating system
PREF preferred
PREP preparation
PRESS or P pressure
PREWARMG prewarming
PRG purge
PRIM primary
PRINPL principle
PROB probe
PRODTN production
PROGM program
PROGR progress
PROPL proportional
PROPSD proposed
PROT protection
PROVSN provision
PROXM proximity
PRT printer
PRTY purity
PS pressure switch
PSH primary superheater
PSH pump suction heater
PSIA psi absolute
PSIG psi gauge
PSS pass
PT pressure transmitter
PU processing unit
PULV pulverizer
PURF purifier
PURG purging
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PVS previous
PWP potable water pump
PWR power
PWTS potable water treatment system
QA quality assurance
QCC quality control certificate
QCR quality control record
QUAL quality
QUAN quantity
QWTR quenching water
RAD radial
RAH regenerative air heater
RAT reserve auxiliary transformer
RB runback
RCD record
RCDR recorder
RCM residual chlorine monitoring
RCP recirculation pump
RCTR reactor
RCVD received
RCVR receiver
RCW raw cooling water
RDY ready
REACT reactive
RECIRC recirculation
RECLG reclosing
RECLM reclaim
RECTFR rectifier
REDC reduce
REF reference
REGEN regeneration
REGENTR regenerator
REGLN regulation
REGLR regulator
REM remote
REQ request
RESIDL residual
RESIST resistance
RESRV reserve
RESRVR reservoir
RET retard
RETN return
RETR retract
RETRD retracted
RETRT retractor
REV reverse
RF raise face
RGH right
RH reheater
RINJTN reinjection
RJCT reject
RLR roller
RLSE release
RLY relay
RMS root mean square
RMVL removal
RNG range
RO reverse osmosis
ROC rate of change
ROTN rotation
RPM revolutions per minute
RR reverse rotation
RSR riser
RST reset
RTA rotary actuator
RTD resistance temperature detector
RTIO ratio
RTR rotor
RTRCTG retracting
RTRY rotary
RTU remote terminal unit
RUN'G running
RW raw water
S/S selector switch
SA secondary air
SAF seal air fan
SAFTY safety
SAH seal air header
SAMPLG sampling
SAT site acceptance test
SATD saturated
SB soot blower
SBC soot blower control
SBRG support bearing
SC specific conductivity
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SCAF scanner cooling air fan
SCAH steam coil air heater
SCANR scanner
SCAV scavenger
SCFM standarad cubic feet/minute
SCHEM schematic
SCP scoop
SCR selective catalytic reduction
SCRH selective catalytic reduction hydrolyser
SCRN screen
SCTB scoop-tube
SEALG sealing
SEC secondary
SECTN section
SECUR security
SEL select
SELTR selector
SENS sensors
SEPT separate
SEPTR separator
SEQ sequence
SEQL sequential
SEQR sequencer
SER serial
SERV service
SET setting
SEWG sewage
SF4 sulphur hexafluoride(insulation gas)
SFC static frequency converter
SFD safety fluid
SFEC shaft eccentricity
SFT shaft
SFVIB safety vibration
SH superheater
SHL shell
SHLLW shallow
SHLTR shelter
SHP super high pressure
SI international system of units
SIG signal
SIM similar
SIMPLX simplex
SIMUL simulation
SiO2 silica (silicon dioxide)
SJAE steam jet air ejector
SKD skid
SL seal
SLDG sliding
SLOP slop oil pump
SLU sluice
SLV sleeve
SMPL sample
SO sulphur monoxide
SO2 sulphur dioxide
SOE sequence of events
SOFTND softened
SOL solenoid
SOLN solution
SON HRN sonic horn
SOV solenoid operated valve
SP setpoint
SPCF specific
SPD speed
SPGR specific gravity
SPLY supply
SPRG sparging
SPRY spray
SSF steam seal feed
SSH secondary superheater
SSTM sealing steam
SSW supplementary sea water
ST steam turbine
STABLZR stabilizer
STATN station
STBY standby
STD standard
STG steam turbine generator
STK stuck
STKD stack damper
STKG stack gas
STM steam
STOR storage
STPD stopped
STR stator
STRK stroke
STRNR strainer
STRT start
STRTD started
STRTR starter
STS status
SUB substitute
SUC suction
SUDN sudden
SULPH sulfate
SUM summary
SUPP support
SUPSD supersede
SUPVISN supervision
SUPVISRY supervisory
SUR surge
SURF surface
SV specific volume
SW switch
SWAS steam and water sampling
SWBD switchboard
SWG swing
SWGR switchgear
SWL side wall
SWS screen wash system
SWYD switchyard
SYM symmetrical
SYNC synchronize
SYNSCP synchronoscope
SYS system
T/H tonne per hour
TAP tapping
TBN turbine
TBRG thrust bearing
TBS travelling band screen
TC thermocouple
TCMS turbine control and monitoring system
TCV temperature control valve
TD turbine drive
TDH total differential head
TDS total dissolved solids
TE thermal element
TEG turbine exhaust gas
TEL telephone
TEMP or T temperature
TEMPRY temporary
TENSN tension
TER tertiary
TERM terminal
TFA tank farm area
TG turbogenerator
TGOP turning gear oil pump
THERMO thermostat
THR thrust
THR BRG THYR thrust bearing thyristor
THRM thermal
THROT throttle
THRU through
TI temperature indicator
TK tank
TK LRY tank lorry
TLO turbine lube oil
TM turbine master
TMTR transmitting
TOLRNC tolerance
TORQ torque
TOT total
TOTZR totalizer
TP terminal point
TR transformer
TRBD turbidity
TRBL trouble
TRND trend
TRNGR turning gear
TRNS transition
TRNSF transfer
TRP trip
TRSCN traveling screen
TRTED treated
TRTMT treatment
TRVL travel
TRVTRPLR travelling trippler
TS temp switch
TSI turbine supervisory instrumentation
TST test
TSTC tube skin thermocouple
TSV turbine stop valve
TTD time tagging data
TURNG turning
TV television
TWR tower
TWTR typewriter
TYP typical
U20B unit 20 bar
U8B unit 8 bar
UAT unit auxilary transformer
ULD unit load demand
um micrometer (micron)
UMC unit master control
UNBAL unbalance
UND under
UNDRV undervoltage
UNEQ unequal
UNIV universal
UNLDG unloading
UNSUCSFUL unsuccessful
UPP upper
UPS uninterruptable power supply
UPSTRM upstream
UTLS utilities
V voltage
VAC vacuum
VACBR vacuum breaking
VAM vapour absoption refrigeration machine
VAP vapor
VAPORZ vaporizer
VARHM varhour meter
VBL vacuum breaking valve
VERT vertical
VESL vessel
VIB vibration
VISC viscosity
VLV valve
VOL volume
VP variable pressure
VS versus
VT vent
VUL vacuum unloader
W/ with
W/O without
WARMG warming
WASHG washing
WB water box
WDBX windbox
WDG winding
WHM watthour meter
WIRG wiring
WK week
WL wheel
WRKG working
WSC water steam cycle
WSH wash
WST waste
WT weight
WTI winding temperature indicator
WTP water tretment plant
WTR water
WTRF water flow
WW waste water
WWP wash water pump
WWS waste water system
WWTP waste water tretment plant
XFP transfer pump
XMTR transmitter
XS transfer switch
- minus
% percent
& and
+ plus
< less than
> greater than
± plus/minus
° degree
°C or deg. C degree celsius
°F or deg. F degree fahrenheit
1ST first
2ND second
2-W two wire
4-W four wire